Hi reader.. How are you people??
long time I didin't updates on my blog about something that I do now..
Okey people..
moral lesson is one thing that so important for live..
we have some activities and sometimes we just busy with it..
with a simple things I got so many morral Lesson..
For him.. I Know the mean of life..
Not just eating, going to campuss, singing, sleeping and more..
Life is fun..
we can fill it with some beutifull things..
Last week, one of my best friend who I ever told about him on my blog give me more advice..
He told me about life by his way..
Life is so beutifull..
Do with heart..
Never give up..
make something simlpe being perpect with heart..
happy is so simple..
Being happy is simple..
care each other.. never has a bad thingking about each other..
and heart to the heart,,
and.. I'm not creating my self to be perfect.. but a person you can't find in someone else..
Being your self..
Rabu, 23 Mei 2012
Sabtu, 12 Mei 2012
Dionisius Agung Subagyo
Haii haiii haii......
Apa kabar sobat blogger tersayang..
Long time no posting.. lagi sibuk nih sama kuliah.. tugasnya numpuk banget -_-
Anyway.. sekarang saya kena virus idol addicted deh..
yaa.. ajang pencarian bakat nyanyi terbesar di Indonesia ini emang keren banget!
Untuk season ini walaupun ga nonton banget sih pas awal audisi tapi gue mulai tertarik setelah nonton Top 15..
Suara finalisnya keren semua!
Dan ada satu finalis yang mencuri perhatian gue..
He is the sexiest man in the world (?) hahaha.. si brewok kece yang waktu audisi nyanyiin lagu tanjung perak..
do you know him guys?
Yaa.. he is DION..
Suara dion itu kece banget... aura superstar nya Waaaw banget.. unik dan awesome.. he has complete things to be the next indonesian idol..
jazzy nya unik dan dia seksi.. kata agnes monica aja dia itu finalis paling seksi di Idol.
anyway he comes from Purwokerto jawa tengah.. Yaa dia adalah pria yang memang sudah berkecimpung di dunia musik.. dia vokalis band.. nama band nya DI4NA.. dia juga sempet jadi crew Idol untuk audisi di cilacap pada season 2009.. DION yang nama lengkapnya DIONISIUS AGUNG SUBAGYO punya skil yang luarbiasa..
saya paling suka waktu dia nyanyi lagu I LOVE YOU BIBEH pada spekta 1 wooooow HE IS REALLY AWESOME.. dan semua penampilannya di tunggu oleh para penggemarnya..
do not forget to send sms to 9288 for DION.. :)
sekian dulu deh cerita2 singkatnya.. nanti di sambung lagi... dudu

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